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發(fā)布:2024/9/26 15:0:2

第一部分 知識(shí)運(yùn)用第一節(jié)?閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳選項(xiàng)

  • 1.The lead role Travaris always loved singing and he landed the lead role in the school musical.He could barely wait to tell his parents the (1)
    .But when he made his announcement over dinner,they looked at each other and frowned (皺眉頭). "You said the performance is in the week of November 13?" his dad asked.Travaris's heart (2)
    .Of course,his older sister was getting married in Hawaii that week. "I'm sorry,but you'll just have to tell them that you can't do it," his mom said.
       The next day at school,Travaris (3)
    to tell Ms.Phelps,the theater director,that she should give his part to someone else because he wouldn't be in town during the (4)
    .But all day he was flooded with (5)
    from his classmates for getting the lead role.He didn't have the heart to tell them that it was all for (6)
    in the play.
       Travaris was still staying after school to practice his part,reading his lines,singing the songs,and even learning the dance numbers.But as the weeks went by,Travaris started to feel (7)
    .He knew that the longer he (8)
    dropping out of the play,the more he would hurt the rest of the cast and crew.
       Finally,Travaris told Ms.Phelps how he couldn't be in the musical.Ms.Phelps thanked him for taking the whole (9)
    into account. "But don't forget to audition(試鏡) again next year,and the chance is bound up with (10)
    . "she added with a smile.

    (1) A.lie B.story C.news D.truth
    (2) A.wandered B.raced C.failed D.sank
    (3) A.planned B.pretended C.managed D.forgot
    (4) A.lesson B.performance C.practice D.holiday
    (5) A.complaints B.concerns C.contributions D.congratulations
    (6) A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything
    (7) A.courageous B.disappointed C.guilty D.curious
    (8) A.put off B.gave up C.depended on D.set about
    (9) A.experience B.situation C.conversation D.argument
    (10) A.belief B.confidence C.independence D.responsibility


  • 2.A Driving to Palm Springs two years ago,I met a snowstorm.A car suddenly changed the direction (1)
    (avoid) hitting mine and drifted (漂移) towards the side of the cliff.Meanwhile,some drivers (2)
    (sit) in different cars rushed out.They (3)
    (take) off the chains that had protected their own tyres and put them on that car's tyres (4)
    (rapid).Just as the car was about to be lost off the cliff,those drivers stepped up,letting their kind hearts go beyond the snowstorm.
    B Male voices are much lower than female voices.This is mainly (5)
    they have the different size of vocal folds(聲帶).Males have larger vocal folds that create a lower sound,and females have smaller ones.Apart from the difference (6)
    size,however,the other major biological difference that effects voices is that males generally have a larger vocal tract, (7)
    can further lower the tone.
    C The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST),which (8)
    (launch) in 2021,is to find the first objects that formed after the Big Bang and to study the first Black Holes,the growth of galaxies and more.About 100 times(9)
    (strong) than the celebrated Hubble Space Telescope,JWST could observe a bumblebee at the Earth-moon distance,in reflected sunlight and thermal emission (熱排放),and it promises to reveal many(10)
    (wonder) of our universe.


  • 3.    How can we use scientific design to change the world and take better care of our environment?In this course,you will learn about our natural resources and explore renewable energy through problem solving in a multi-science class.
       Solving any problem begins with recognizing it!But where do you begin?In this multi-science class,you will investigate global issues facing the world today and how people make changes in their communities.You will both discuss and put into practice creative and persuasive ways to influence policymakers and community organizations.Furthermore,you will create your own political community at the Harkness table that will inspire you to learn by doing.
       Energy and Innovation
       In this multi-science class,you will investigate biological,physical,and chemical aspects of Earth's working systems and how they relate to climate change.Its impacts are far reaching and thus will require forward thinking and planning.Your ideas and creativity will be needed to compare and contrast the benefits and costs of energy alternatives as we discuss and problem solve our planet's path into the future.
       Art:Transform the World
       In this studio class we will develop our creative powers.Drawing on natural sciences,we will engage with perspectives of life on Earth.Our materials will be newspapers,recycled cardboard,and other things that are often thrown away.Working with our hands and tools,we will transform wastes into objects useful.In this class you will discover your artistic talent,learn about form,image and technique,and cooperate to create pieces for the final Student Art Exhibit.

    (1)Which of the following might be the name of the class?

    A.Political Science.
    B.Green Organizations.
    C.Global Changes.
    D.Practical Policymaker.
    (2)In Energy and Innovation,students will
    A.solve political problems.
    B.make a plan for their future.
    C.change the world through pictures.
    D.explore the Earth's working system.
    (3)What do the three classes have in common?

    A.They conduct scientific experiments.
    B.They develop personal interests.
    C.They need creative design.
    D.They use renewable energy.


  • 8.Upgrade your problems In 2017,I spent all my money buying my first flat—which meant I had no money to fix my first homeowner's problem.I was sleeping on an air mattress because I couldn't afford furniture.Then I noticed a leaky pipe under the bath,which created a wet puddle(水坑).I couldn't afford a plumber (水管工) but I didn't want to introduce myself to the neighbour by crashing through their wet ceiling.
       The only option left for me was that I had to solve the problem on my own.I took the bus to a nearby store and talked with the nice guy behind the counter.He explained how to fix it and sold me a pipe cutter and a bit of pipework.I went back home,pushed my head under the bath,and got the job done.
       It taught me a lesson that has since become a bit of motto for me:Upgrade your problems.
       Having a wet bathroom floor is a problem—and the day before I bought the place,I would have had a landlord to call.But once the place was mine,this became my problem.I saw this as progress:You must own your own property to take care of this sort of situation.
       Years later,when I founded my professional services company with my business partner,Adam,this motto became core to how we approach the business.There have been many problems,and there will continue to be new ones.However,we remember the reason we have these problems—it's because we run our own business!A late-paying customer is a problem,but it's one we encounter only if we have paying customers.
       That is why I still keep the pipe cutter on my desk today.It reminds me that,no matter my level of frustration (挫?。?,I am fortunate to face the problems I do.The more I solve them,the more I upgrade to even better ones.

    (1)What did the author notice in his first flat?

    (2)How did the author solve his problem with the bath?

    (3)Please decide which part is false in the following statement,then underline it and explain why.
    The author still keeps the pipe cutter on his desk today because it reminds him of his success in business.

    (4)What else would you do when you encounter problems in life? (In about 40 words)


  • 9.假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三學(xué)生李華。你們學(xué)校將開(kāi)展以"用英文講中國(guó)故事"為主題的交流活動(dòng)。請(qǐng)你給英國(guó)交換生Ryan寫(xiě)一封郵件邀請(qǐng)他參加。內(nèi)容包括:
    Dear Ryan,
    Li Hua
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