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牛津譯林新版八年級上冊《Unit 6 Bird watching》2023年同步練習(xí)卷

發(fā)布:2024/9/14 12:0:8


  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)1.They weigh almost nothing.Yet they are(1)
    than steel.In fact,some spiders' webs are among the world's strongest materials, (2)
    they can be pulled longer than elastic(橡皮筋).They can also be any (3)
    .Spider webs are amazing.
       A spider has hundreds of small openings in its body.Silk comes out of these openings as a liquid(液體),and,as it reaches the air,it becomes tread-like.These (4)
    threads(線)come together to form a single thread.
       The spider can make many different kinds of thread.The tread can be thick or thin,wet or dry,or sticky.Each kind has a different (5)
    .Some webs create an egg box.Others(6)
    hiding places.The most common purpose of a spider web,however,is to catch food.
       There are many(7)
    the spider uses its web to catch food.For example some spiders produce a single thread.An insect then sits on it(8)
    realizing what it is doing,and becomes(9)
    .Slowly,the spider moves towards the insect.(10)
    ,it covers its food in silk.
       Some spiders use a different kind of(11)
    ,They make webs that cheat insects.An insect sees the web and thinks it's a flower.It then(12)
    the web.The spider can feel even the smallest movement of the web,and rushes at the insect(13)
    it can get away.
       Spider webs are so (14)
    that engineers have been studying them for years.They want to learn why they are so strong and elastic.However,for the moment,spiders are keeping their(15)
    .Although they have made great progress in science and technology,humans till haven't been able to copy natural webs.

    (1) A.stronger B.brighter C.heavier D.thicker
    (2) A.so B.but C.if D.or
    (3) A.shape B.price C.weight D.temperature
    (4) A.wide B.broken C.tiny D.weak
    (5) A.direction B.purpose C.size D.name
    (6) A.provide B.choose C.find D.change
    (7) A.problems B.reasons C.steps D.ways
    (8) A.by B.for C.without D.in
    (9) A.lost B.stuck C.excited D.burnt
    (10) A.Sadly B.Clearly C.Suddenly D.Loudly
    (11) A.help B.material C.power D.trick
    (12) A.lands on B.moves towards C.flies over D.looks into
    (13) A.when B.before C.until D.unless
    (14) A.soft B.expensive C.important D.a(chǎn)mazing
    (15) A.habits B.plans C.secrets D.records


  • 2.Parrots have been known to mimic (模仿) words,but have you ever thought how they communicate (交流)?The sounds they make may sound meaningless to us,but new study has found that wild parrots are given names by their parents.
       According to a study led by Karl Berg of Cornell University in the US,nestlings (雛鳥) are given a special sound of their own,which stays with them for their whole lives.In the study,the team put cameras in the nests of 17 different wild parrots.After studying their sounds,the team knew differences in the calls parents used to communicate with each nestling.And even before the nestlings had learned to communicate,the baby birds seemed to mimic their calls.
       Sounds very similar (相似) to humans,doesn't it?
       The study also tells that these calls are got socially (社會上),not genetically (基因上地).To do this,scientists exchanged the eggs in nine of the 17 nests,so that half of the parrots were raising nestlings that weren't theirs.The scientists found the nestlings all used names similar to those the parents (whether biological or nonbiological) called them for the first week of their lives.
       Lucie Mcneil,from National Geographic,said, "this would be the first example of a non-human teaching acoustical (聲學(xué)的) communication (交流)." Lead scientist for the study,Karl Berg,told National Public Radio of the US, "Most people say, 'Well,all those calls are just noise,' but I think they're communicating."
       Fox News also asked Berg what else the parrots might be saying.He answered, "It is that these birds are deciding where the food is — 'Do we want to go 3 km North-northwest?' 'Do we want to go to that field?' They are arguing (爭論) or discussing."
       Natural science author,Virginia Morell,wrote: "Slowly,scientists get to know the communications of very different animals."
       You never know,if the science of animals' sounds keeps going,we may one day watch a real TV programme about parrots.

    (1)The underlined word "meaningless" in the first paragraph is "
    (2)What did the new study find about wild parrots?

    A.They can talk by learning from people.
    B.The sounds they make are meaningless.
    C.They have names given by their parents.
    D.They have a unique way of making sounds.
    (3)What does the study suggest?

    A.Different parrots are called differently by their parents.
    B.Baby parrots can tell who their biological parents are.
    C.Baby parrots can mimic their biological parents' calls better.
    D.Parrots are the most clever animals in communication.
    (4)Why did the scientists exchange the eggs in the study?

    A.To see whether the parents could recognize (認(rèn)出) their own babies.
    B.To see whether the parrots made the same sounds all their lives.
    C.To see whether the calls were got socially or genetically.
    D.To see whether biological and nonbiological parents named babies differently.


  • 6.while
    (1)It took a long while to do the work.

    (2)The baby often falls down while he is walking.

    (3)You like sports while I prefer music.


  • 7.假設(shè)你叫李華,你昨天從報紙上看到了鳥類衛(wèi)士俱樂部(Bird Guard Club)的招聘廣告,你想加入該俱樂部來保護(hù)鳥類.請根據(jù)你的個人信息表,給俱樂部的李先生寫一封不少于80詞的英文申請信(開頭及結(jié)尾已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)).
    個人信息 月光中學(xué)八年級學(xué)生,15歲,最喜歡的科目是科學(xué)
    優(yōu)勢 熱愛大自然,喜歡動物和植物,尤其對鳥類感興趣,每年都去
    經(jīng)歷 去年參加了一場鳥展,寫了一篇關(guān)于珍稀鳥類的報告
    空余時間 周六和周日下午;暑假和寒假
    聯(lián)系方式 電話:0515-67876543;電子郵箱:1016224670@qq.com
    Dear Mr Lee,
    I read your ad in the newspaper last week.I'm writing to tell you I'd like to become a member of the Bird Guard Club.

    Yours sincerely,
    Li Hua.
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