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  • 81.Sometimes,it may not be people's
    (intend) to hurt the animals.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.7
  • 82.At the present time,many kinds of animals are endangered as a result of many different reasons.For example,although tigers are recognized throughout the world for their cruelty and unmistakable beauty,they face an uncertain future.Because of increases in both natural and human threats,the wild tiger population suffered major losses during the 20th century and it has become one of our most endangered species.By the 1950s,tigers living around the Caspian Sea were extinct;between 1937 and 1972 the population.of tigers that once lived on the islands of Bali and Java disappeared;the South China tiger,with at best 20 to 30 individuals,is nearly extinct in the wild.
       India today has the largest number of tigers,numbering somewhere between 3,030 and 4,735 and it is estimated that only 5,100 to 7,500 individual tigers now remain in the entire world.These remaining tigers are threatened by many factors,including growing human populations,loss of living environment,hunting of tigers against the law and expanding trade in tiger parts used for traditional medicines.
       Now,the serious program has attracted the attention of the World Wild Fund(WWF).It is an international organization,and its conservation partners are working to combat these threats and save the tiger.Together,we can make sure that we leave our children a planet where tigers still roam(徜徉)wild.

    (1)According to the passage,in how many places are there no more tigers nowadays?

    (2)From the second paragraph,we can see that
    A.India is the origin of tigers in the whole world
    B.the loss of living environment is the main problem
    C.the law for protecting the tigers is not perfect
    D.human activities partly result in the loss of tigers
    (3)According to the passage,WWF is an organization aiming at
    A.protecting those animals that are endangered
    B.controlling the number of the dangerous animals
    C.protecting the children in future from animals' attack
    D.fighting against international trade breaking the law
    (4)The underlined word "combat" in the last paragraph probably means"
    A.go against
    B.fight against
    C.vote against
    D.a(chǎn)rgue against
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:1引用:0難度:0.6
  • 83.Right now,the newly-born baby panda
    (watch over) carefully.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:0難度:0.9
  • 84.One rainy afternoon I was sitting at home feeling so bored.Instead of feeling(1)
    for myself,I wanted to meet people and have new experiences so I decided to start(2)
    .I found a website where I could volunteer on a farm in France.
    so many opportunities to have fun and share(4)
    stories.It was the first time for me to work on a farm.It was almost a free holiday(5)
    food and accommodation were provided.It was not one(6)
    holiday,however,as I had to(7)
    fifteen horses and sheep!I soon discovered that I was a (n)(8)
    farmer but it did not matter because I made some great friends and also improved my(9)
       However,you do not(10)
    go abroad to volunteer.I have had plenty of adventures(11)
    as volunteering can become a hobby.(12)
    ,I love singing so I had a good laugh waving my arms in order to(13)
    my local choir(合唱 團(tuán)).At university,I organized a concert for charity with my friends.It was really(14)
    to find bands and raise money for a cause.
       It is true that you feel good volunteering but there are also other(15)
    .I once volunteered as a steward(干事)at a charity sports event(16)
    the organizers generously gave me cupcakes from an expensive London bakery to thank me for my(17)
    .I also volunteered in a charity shop so I found loads of nice cheap clothes to(18)
    my wardrobe(衣櫥).
       While this is all fun,my favorite aspect of volunteering is(19)
    and sharing stories.My terrible(20)
    at farming has given me funny stories to tell!

    (1) A.sorry B.lucky C.glad D.worried
    (2) A.farming B.baking C.surfing D.volunteering
    (3) A.recommends B.misses C.offers D.a(chǎn)ffects
    (4) A.popular B.fantastic C.familiar D.important
    (5) A.when B.a(chǎn)s C.until D.otherwise
    (6) A.unique B.normal C.typical D.convenient
    (7) A.a(chǎn)ttend to B.research into C.hunt for D.communicate with
    (8) A.skillful B.suitable C.hard-working D.a(chǎn)wful
    (9) A.English B.French C.Russian D.Chinese
    (10) A.normally B.basically C.naturally D.necessarily
    (11) A.on the farm B.in the university C.a(chǎn)t home D.a(chǎn)t school
    (12) A.For example B.That is to say C.What's more D.Above all
    (13) A.greet B.control C.organize D.conduct
    (14) A.powerful B.hopeful C.meaningful D.successful
    (15) A.a(chǎn)dventures B.a(chǎn)dvantages C.factors D.a(chǎn)chievements
    (16) A.where B.which C.that D.what
    (17) A.services B.patience C.determination D.choices
    (18) A.decorate B.replace C.beautify D.update
    (19) A.creating B.imagining C.choosing D.completing
    (20) A.dream B.shame C.a(chǎn)ttempt D.a(chǎn)nnoyance
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:10引用:0難度:0.3
  • 85.We must make people aware of the problem and help save the
    (endanger)wildlife before it's too late.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:1引用:0難度:0.6
  • 86.Li Mei plans to go to the place where wild animals
    (hunt) and be a volunteer there.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:0難度:0.9
  • 87.The purpose of the camp is
    (promote) Mount Tai by introducing it to young people.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:1引用:1難度:0.7
  • 88.During the Great Depression,millions of Americans lost their jobs.(1)
    for one group of people,employment rates actually went up:women.
       From 1930 to 1940,the number of employed women in the United States(2)
    24 percent from 5 million to 13 million.The main(3)
    for women's higher employment rates was the fact that the jobs(4)
    to women—so called"women's work"—were in industries that were(5)
    affected by the stock market.
       "Some of the hardest-hit industries like coal mining and manufacturing were where(6)
    predominated(占支配地位),"says Susan Ware,historian and(7)
    of Holding Their Own:American Women in the1930s."Fewer women lost their jobs because they were employed in more stable(穩(wěn)定的) industries(8)
    domestic service,teaching and clerical work."
       By the1930s,women had been slowly entering the workforce in greater(9)
    decades.But the Great Depression(10)
    women to find work with a renewed sense of urgency as thousands of men who were once family breadwinners lost their jobs.A 22 percent(11)
    in marriage rates between 1929 and 1939 also meant more single women had to support themselves.
    jobs available to women paid less,they were less unstable.By 1940,90 percent of all women's jobs could be catalogued(歸類) into 10 categories like nursing,teaching and civil service for white women,while black and Hispanic women mainly(13)
    domestic work,according to David Kennedy's 1999 book,
    Freedom From Fear.
    expansion of the government under the New Deal increased demand for secretarial roles that women rushed to fill and(15)
    other employment opportunities for women.

    (1) A.Then B.But C.However D.While
    (2) A.fell B.raised C.rose D.dropped
    (3) A.reason B.cause C.preference D.possibility
    (4) A.a(chǎn)vailable B.interested C.popular D.fascinated
    (5) A.much B.more C.fewer D.less
    (6) A.men B.women C.teenagers D.a(chǎn)dults
    (7) A.a(chǎn)scendant B.a(chǎn)uthor C.relative D.philosopher
    (8) A.with B.a(chǎn)s C.like D.for
    (9) A.a(chǎn)bilities B.a(chǎn)mounts C.letters D.numbers
    (10) A.told B.made C.drove D.a(chǎn)sked
    (11) A.rise B.increase C.decline D.a(chǎn)ppearance
    (12) A.When B.While C.As D.Once
    (13) A.set up B.made up C.brought up D.took up
    (14) A.low B.slow C.high D.rapid
    (15) A.created B.reflected C.completed D.explored
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:14引用:0難度:0.3
  • 89.用一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
    Chinese tourists associate the UK(1)
    "museums",and appreciate the"romance"of the country,according to VisitBritin.(2)
    many Chinese go to visit the UK,they are more likely to stay (3)
    (long) than a week there,with the average holiday (4)
    (last)10 days and each tourist spending an average of $2,688.Chinese tourism is worth nearly$500 million to the UK.London is the main target for Chinese tourists,with more than 40 per cent visiting the capital.(5)
    ,Scotland is also popular,with more Chinese travelling north than average among UK tourists.A VisitScotland report last year (6)
    (find) that Edinburgh was one of the top five (7)
    (locate)for the Chinese,along with Manchester,Oxford,Cambridge and London.So great is China's fondness for London's more famous landmarks(8)
    a popular theme park in Shenzhen was built.It is called Window of the World,(9)
    features more than 100 scaled-down replicas(縮小版的復(fù)制品) of tourist attractions,(10)
    (include) Westminster,Bucking-ham Palace,Tower Bridge and Stonehenge.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:8引用:1難度:0.9
  • 90.Alicia Keys,a famous singer,songwriter and actress,was born in New York in Her mother who was a part-time actress and also worked in law raised her.Keys began piano lessons at age 7 and her mother insisted that Keys stick with the instrument.This led Keys to attend Manhattan's strong Professional Performing Arts School.With strong grades,she graduated at age16.She also got a full scholarship to college at Columbia University.However,she soon left to pursue music.
       Keys sings,writes and produces her own music.In 1998,Keys signed with Arista Records.Then she joined J Records in 1999.Keys' first album was"Songs in A Minor"in2001,which sold five million copies.Newspapers praised the album,appreciating its musical skill and mature lyrics.In 2002,Keys won five Grammy awards which are the highest awards given in music.She was called Best New Artist.
        Keys 'second album was"The Diary of Alicia Keys 'which was released in 2003.The album immediately became the No.1-selling album.By 2007,Keys put out the album "As I Am".It also hit No.1 and sold more than 700,000 copies in its first week.The album gained her two more Grammys.Soon,Keys began to work with different artists.In 2008,she recorded Another Way to Die" with Jack White which was used in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace.She also recorded the hit single "Empire State of Mind" with Jay-Zin 2009.Her albums have continued to sell well.
       Outside of music,Keys has also been an actress.She appeared on the TV shows "Charmed" and "American Dreams".Keys appeared in the 2008 film "The Secret Life of Bees".In 2016,Keys became a new judge on the TV singing competition "The Voice".In February 2019,Keys hosted the Grammy Awards,during which she performed some of her favorite songs.
       In July 2010,Keys married hip-hop producer Swizz Beatz and soon had two children.On January 22,2017,Keys joined the Women's March on Washington after Donald Trump became president.Keys appeared with famous activists and performers.They demonstrated in support of women's rights and equal rights for all.They also protested against President Trump's beliefs on immigration and the environment.Keys spoke to the crowd,"Let us continue to honor all that is.beautiful about being feminine.Our potential is unlimited.We rise!"

    (1)Which of the following is TRUE?

    A.Keys began to earn money after she won five Grammy awards.
    B.Keys has recorded albums with Jack White instead of any other artists.
    C.Keys' mother and husband played an important role in her early career.
    D.Keys' "The Diary of Alicia Keys" proved that she would not just fade away after her first album.
    (2)What's Paragraph 3 mainly about?

    A.Key's early career.
    B.Key's personal life.
    C.Key's continued success.
    D.Key's film and TV projects.
    (3)What can we infer from Keys' participation in the Women's March on Washington?

    A.Keys cared too much about her appearance in public as a performer.
    B.Keys gave up her career as a performer to focus on women's rights.
    C.Keys had the opportunity to introduce her newest hit song "Girl on Fire".
    D.Keys has always been an activist who has fought for equal rights for everyone.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:3引用:0難度:0.4
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