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  • 91.Between 150 and 200 species are becoming extinct every day.This mass
    (extinct) is caused by hunting,habitat loss and pollution.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.7
  • 92.    Music lessons in early childhood lead to changes in the brain that could improve its performance far into adulthood,researchers say.
       Brain scans of young adults showed that those who had formal musical training before the age of seven had thicker brain regions that deal with hearing and self-awareness.The findings stress how brain development can be influenced by the age when children start to learn a musical instrument,and how those changes can go into later life.
       "Early musical training does more good to kids than just making it easier for them to enjoy music.It changes the brain and these brain changes could lead to cognitive(認(rèn)知的)development as well,"said Wang Yunxin of Beijing Normal University.
       "Our results suggest it might be better to start musical training before age seven,which agrees with what most piano teachers suggested,"she added.
       Wang designed the study to try to find out whether musical training early on in life had any lasting effect on the structure of the brain.She hoped the results might help parents decide what time was best for their children to learn an instrument.
        The brain's cortex(皮層)plays a main role in scores of important abilities,from thought and language to memory and attention.The region matures rapidly in the early years of life,and its development could be affected more if a person starts musical training before it fully matures.
       Wang studied 48 Han Chinese aged between 19 and 21 who had received formal music training for at least a year sometime between the ages of 3 and 15.After considering gender and the number of years spent having music lessons,Wang found that musical training that was started before the age of seven appeared to thicken areas of the brain involved in language skills and executive function,which is a person's ability to plan and carry out tasks.She presented the results at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego.

    (1)A boy with thicker brain regions means he
    A.takes great interest in learning music
    B.may be good at hearing and self-awareness
    C.used to be excellent in his hearing ability
    D.is sure to have a great future in music
    (2)What does Wang Yunxin suggest in the passage?

    A.Children should be provided with music education in time.
    B.The structure of the brain is too complex to understand.
    C.Piano teachers will give parents more valuable advice.
    D.Music can make a child equipped with best intelligence.
    (3)What can be concluded from the passage?

    A.A person's ability mostly relies on music education.
    B.Musical training can help parents control their children.
    C.Music lessons should be given more attention.
    D.Schools must spend a lot of time on music.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:4引用:0難度:0.9
  • 93.It is very difficult to find a suitable point between progress and the protection of cultural sites.(keep balance,a challenge)
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:0難度:0.9
  • 94.作為全球知名的團(tuán)體,West life不僅給我們帶來了難忘的旋律,也給我們帶來了青春的回憶。
    As a
    group in the world,West life not only brings us unforgettable melodies,but also brings us the memories of youth.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:2引用:0難度:0.9
  • 95.1.Translate the following expressions into English.









    (10)(為..... )作貢獻(xiàn)

    2.Complete the following sentences with proper forms of the expressions in Exercise I .
    (1)He should
    a younger,more decisive leader.
    (2)In this case we have no choice,but to
    (3)I believe that each of us can
    the future of the world.
    (4)You find one thing out and it can
    something else.
    that we(should) hold a meeting next week.
    (6)We hope to
    anything unpleasant happening.
    (7)Some have even said they would
    the Red Cross again.
    (8)It is a great honour to be invited to
    this educational tour.
    (9)If you have questions about what you see
    to ask your instructor.
    (10)In my opinion,we should
    between amusement and study or work.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:2引用:0難度:0.9
  • 96.
    (孩子們已經(jīng)被多次告知) not to take mobile phones to the school,but it doesn't make any difference.
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:0難度:0.9
  • 97.When we talk about wildlife protection,all kinds of animals and plants should be treated as the same. (come,species)
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:0難度:0.6
  • 98. Translate the following expressions into English.










    Complete the following sentences with proper forms of the expressions in Exercise I.
    (1)Now that we are all part of the
    ,everyone becomes a neighbour.
    (2)Van Gogh had a major
    the development of modern painting.
    (3)If you
    a plan or idea,you think of it and suggest it.
    the piano performance when he heard the sound of it.
    (5)That song was
    people from my father's generation.
    medical school last year.
    (7)If you
    data,you transfer it to your computer or from your computer to another computer.
    (8)She doesn't usually
    any of the class activities.
    (9)The new treatment has
    be a disaster.
    (10)He missed a music lesson for
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:0難度:0.9
  • 99.stream,keep sb company,now that
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:1引用:0難度:0.7
  • 100.Consumers spend a lot of time making online purchases,which now takes up a large share of their total shopping budgets.Moreover,consumers describe online shopping as a necessity.And a lot of consumers are making online buys while in bed as well as while in a physical store.
       These are just a few of the conclusions from a recently released survey from Bigcom-merce.The study surveyed over 1,000 U.S.consumers to assess their online shopping and buying habits.The company said the "results show.that 96 percent of Americans are shopping online,spending an average of five hours per week and an average of 36 percent of their shopping budgets making online purchases."
       The study said those consumers "ranked online shopping ahead of smartphone GPS and streaming media as a basic essential they could not live without."
       Troy Cox,senior product director at Bigcom-merce,said "with e-commerce now being such a popular part of America's buying habits,shop owners have an incredible opportunity to reach more customers by opening their business to new channels."
       The report revealed that 80 percent make online buys at least once per month while 30 percent said they make online purchases at least once during the week.The survey found that 48 percent of shoppers "have bought or spent more than planned when shopping online."
       The survey also showed that online shopping is favored by Millennials who spend half of their shopping budget online.The report also showed that 67 percent of millennials and 56 percent of Generation X "prefer to search and purchase on e-commerce sites rather than in- store" while 41 percent of Baby Boomers and 28 percent of seniors "prefer online to offline shopping".
       In regards to when and where they shop,the researchers found that 43 percent of online shoppers have made a purchase while in bed" while 25 percent "have made an online purchase from a bricks-and-mortar store".And one-in-ten "shoppers admitted to buying something online after drinking alcohol".

    (1)According to the survey by Bigcommerce,which of the following is RIGHT?

    A.96% of Americans shop in bed.
    B.Few of them have never shopped online.
    C.Americans spend more money online than offline.
    D.1,000 US consumers spend more than 5 hours every week shopping.
    (2)What does Troy Cox mean?

    A.It's good time for shop owners to sell by Internet.
    B.E-commerce has changed America's buying habits.
    C.Customers will learn new channels to open their business.
    D.Shop owners have missed the good opportunity to do business online.
    (3)Guess the meaning of the following words and match them.

    ①M(fèi)illennials A."嬰兒潮一代" (1946-1964)
    ②Generation X B.年長者
    ③Baby Boomers C.千禧一代(1981-1996出生)
    ④seniors D."X世代"(1965-1980出生)
    (4)Fill in the blanks according to the passage.
    People Shopping habits Percentage Conclusion
    Millennials prefer shop online to offline (1)
    (young)the people are,the(6)
    (more/less)likely they shop online.
    Baby Boomers (2)
    Generation x (3)
    seniors (4)
    發(fā)布:2024/7/17 8:0:9組卷:0引用:0難度:0.3
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