The aim(目的) of students coming to school is to study.But we(1)n
a right way to learn,or we will waste(浪費(fèi)) both the time and the money.The following are the ways of(2)l
   The best time for reading is(3)m
,because in the morning,the(4)a
is fresh and the mind is clear.For that reason,we can get good results.
   In study we must have patience.If we do not(5)k
a text well,we must read it again.We should not read the(6)n
one until(直到...為止) we have learned the first one.
   When we are studying,we must put our hearts into the book,or we can get(7)n
from the book while we are reading.
   We must always ask "whys".If we can't understand an idea well,we should(8)w
it down and ask our teachers or our(9)p
,or friends.In any possible( 可能的) way,we must know it completely(完全地) and then we can use what we've learned better.
   Though(雖然) there are(10)m
ways of studying,yet the above mentioned(提到的) will be quite enough if we can keep them in mind and do so.
發(fā)布:2024/9/14 9:0:8組卷:10引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.(1)As a saying goes:you're what you eat. However,if you've watched plenty of videos which were recorded by Xin Jifei,you'll doubt what you're eating.According to his videos,maybe there's no beef in beef and there's not milk in the milk tea. "All thanks to technology and hard work," (2)這個(gè)句子在辛吉飛的每一個(gè)視頻里都能被聽到. When Xin Jifei completed the videos,he would say the key sentence and make faces. (3)These videos seem funny. They are like science experiments in school. "Hex technology" makes countless people follow his videos and think about the old topic-food safety.With the development of our living standards, (4)it's normal for people to care about the food safety. Some think Xin Jifei is selling worries and making money.I do disagree.At least, (5)現(xiàn)在,一些年輕人更喜歡在家做飯而不是外出就餐.Luckily,Chinese government has made strong laws against the illegal use of additives effectively.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 11:0:14組卷:10引用:2難度:0.5
  • 菁優(yōu)網(wǎng)2.For several years,Lanzhou University of Arts and Science has been offering courses on Chinese culture and,last year,Tianjin University started to do the same.
       UNESCO has recognized 629 intangible cultural heritage items(非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)項(xiàng)目).Among them,42 are from China.That is more than any other country in the world.
       As a foreigner,I'm a lover of Chinese culture.Several years ago,I visited a small village near Suzhou where teenage girls were learning the traditional art of embroidery(刺繡).For centuries,Suzhou has been known for its wonderful embroidery.Young girls there learn the art from an early age.I watched these "modern" girls working for a while.One of the girls just completed a piece of work.I bought it as a gift for my brother and his wife,and it now hangs proudly in the living room of their home in Canada.
       What makes both Chinese and foreigners love embroidery so much?The work shows the beauty of Chinese culture and the great skills of craftsmen(工匠).It may appear simple,but in fact it's the result of years of hard work.As one Chinese opera performer said, "One minute of performance on stage takes ten years of hard work off stage." The same can be said for other "simple" skills such as calligraphy and paper cutting.
       I doubt that the students who study Chinese culture in college will become true masters,but they will get a better understanding of the importance of Chinese culture and,hopefully,keep that culture alive.

    (1)What did Tianjin University do last year?

    A.It offered help to UNESCO.
    B.It started to offer courses on Chinese culture.
    C.It made a list of intangible cultural heritage items.
    (2)The underlined word "recognized" means "
    " in Chinese.
    (3)Why does the writer mention his experience of visiting the village?

    A.To show some embroidery skills.
    B.To talk about the history of embroidery.
    C.To show that foreigners love embroidery.
    (4)What does the writer want to tell us through the fourth paragraph?

    A.Everyone in his family loves Chinese culture.
    B.Culture is a bridge between Chinese and foreigners.
    C.It takes the artists a lot of time and hard work to be skillful.
    (5)Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    A.Life of craftsmen in China.
    B.Chinese culture goes to college.
    C.A visit to a village near Suzhou.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 10:0:8組卷:4引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.Hello!My name is Sara and I'm thirteen years old.I'm from England.My best friend is Mary.She is from Poland and one year older than me.She came to England with her family five years ago.At the beginning(開始),she couldn't speak English well but now it's different.She's very hard-working at school and she does well in English now.
        Mary is tall and beautiful.She has long curly brown hair and brown eyes.We are in the same school and she lives not far from my home.We often go home together.After school we also spend some time together.Because I'm better at math and science,and she is better at history and geography,we can always help each other with our homework.She also likes reading very much.
        My friend is not very sporty.She doesn't like team games(團(tuán)隊(duì)運(yùn)動(dòng)) but she likes swimming.I like sports and we go swimming together every Saturday morning.She's a little shy with new people but with me she's friendly!I like her and she always brings out the best in me.I really hope we can be the best friends forever(永遠(yuǎn)) !

    (1)How old was Mary when she came to England?

    (2)Her English is good now,isn't it?

    (3)What subjects is the writer better at?

    (4)When do they go swimming?

    (5)Does Mary live far from Sara's home?
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 8:0:8組卷:7引用:1難度:0.5
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