   Red pandas and giant pandas share a name and a fondness for eating bamboo,but they are actually not closely related.Red pandas do,however,have a lot in common with other animals.For example,red pandas are about the size of a house cat.They spend a good part of their day behaving like cats,too.They lick their paws and fur to clean themselves.Then when they sleep,they curl(卷曲) up just like a cat,using their tail for a blanket.Like raccoons(浣熊),red pandas dip(浸) their paws into water to wash their faces.And like skunks(臭鼬),who spray(噴射)a pungent scent(氣味),red pandas will spray a stinky(發(fā)惡臭的) smell to defend themselves if frightened.
   Because red pandas have beautiful bright red colouring and look like foxes,they are sometimes called firefoxes.Their bodies are red and white,but their legs and stomachs are black.These colours help them keep safe among the branches of trees that are covered with a reddish-brown moss(苔蘚).
   Red pandas spend most of their time eating bamboo up in the trees of forests in India,Nepal and China.Since bamboo leaves do not provide a lot of energy,red pandas have to eat a lot of bamboo.In fact,some red pandas will eat about twenty thousand leaves a day!
(1)Based on the text,what are two ways in which a red panda behaves like a cat?

A.A red panda licks its fur to keep clean.
B.A red panda curls up when it sleeps.
C.A red panda purrs(貓的嗚鳴聲) when it is happy.
D.A red panda holds its tail high when it is happy.
(2)Based on the text,why are red pandas sometimes called firefoxes?

A.Because of their looks.
B.Because they like hot weather.
C.Because of their strength.
D.Because they are brave.
(3)Based on clues in the text,how might red pandas' reddish-brown fur be helpful?

A.It helps them stay safe by blending in with the trees.
B.It makes them look dangerous to enemies.
C.It tricks other animals into thinking red pandas are foxes.
D.It makes them look bigger than they actually are.
(4)What is the meaning of pungent as used in the text?

A.Strong and unpleasant
B.Large and forceful
C.Silky and smooth
D.Bright and shiny
發(fā)布:2024/8/18 1:0:1組卷:1引用:1難度:0.2
  • 1.閱讀短文,判斷句子正(T)誤(F)。?
       China is a big country.There are lots of beautiful cities in China.Beijing is a very old city.It's the capital of China.It held the 29th Olympic Games.There are many famous places in Beijing,such as the Great Wall,the Palace Museum(故宮) and the Summer Palace(頤和園).Shanghai is an exciting city.A lot of children are visiting Shanghai Disneyland.Hong Kong is in the south(南部) of China.Hong Kong is a nice place for holiday.Many people like to visit Hong Kong for shopping.
    (1)Beijing is a very new city.

    (2)The Palace Museum is in Beijing.

    (3)The Disneyland is in Beijing.

    (4)Shanghai is the capital of China.

    (5)Hong Kong is a nice place for shopping.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/17 2:0:9組卷:0引用:1難度:0.8
  • 2.閱讀短文,判斷句子的正(√)誤(×)。?
       This is my family photo.The man with glasses is my father.He is a worker.My mother is tall and she has long hair.She is a doctor.The short girl with a toy is my little sister.She likes sweets(甜品).This is me.I'm on the sofa(沙發(fā)).I like reading story books.
    (1)My father is a doctor.

    (2)My sister doesn't like sweets.

    (3)My grandmother is a doctor with long hair.

    (4)I'm on the sofa.

    (5)I like playing football.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/18 1:0:8組卷:0引用:1難度:0.6
  • 3.閱讀理解,判斷正(T)誤(F)。?
       My name's Tom.I have a big room.I have a bed in my room.Look!The kite is on the bed.And I have a desk.My schoolbag is on the desk.In my schoolbag,there is a pencil box and some books.I like reading books.There is a chair.And my football is under the chair.I can play football well.
    (1)I have a small room.

    (2)The schoolbag is in the desk.

    (3)The kite is on the bed.

    (4)A football is on the chair.

    (5)Tom doesn't like reading books.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/18 0:0:8組卷:2引用:1難度:0.2
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