other than;check in;take notes;apply for;concentrate on
make up;sign up for;be unique to;be responsible for;look forward to;
(1)------I'd like to
check in
check in
------Do you have a reservation?
(2)I am really
looking forward to
looking forward to
having a good vacation with you in the countryside.
Other than
Other than
their beauty,I see something amazing from the models.
(4)These animals
are unique to
are unique to
China,so you can not find them in other countries
(5)The boy
made up
made up
a story to make his parents happy but he felt guilty from the bottom of his heart.
(6)The floods last summer
were responsible for
were responsible for
the deaths of over a hundred people.
(7)It is a wise choice for you to
sign up for
sign up for
a Chinese course.
(8)She was sitting at her desk,
concentrating on
concentrating on
her homework.
take notes/took notes
take notes/took notes
while listening and reading.
(10)You need to
apply for
apply for
a visa to travel abroad.
【答案】check in;looking forward to;Other than;are unique to;made up;were responsible for;sign up for;concentrating on;take notes/took notes;apply for
發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:1引用:1難度:0.5
  • 1.Earthquakes can leave cities and countries
    (廢墟) . (根據(jù)漢語提示完成句子)
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  • 2.Mr.Wang is __________our class.(  )
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  • 3.I know she has brown hair,but
    that I don't remember much.
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