Because of the spread of COVID-19,many students are forced to study at home.But parents are worried about how their children can learn more efficiently.The following websites might give you a clue.
   With Scratch,you can program your own interactive stories,games,and animations - and share your creations with others in the online community.Scratch can be downloaded free of charge.Scratch is designed especially for ages 8 to 16,but is used by people of all ages.Scratch is used in more than 150 different countries and available in more than 40 languages.
   Mr.Bob is a science teacher,author,maker,and presenter that knows how to share the world of science.Bob encourages parents and teachers to practice Random Acts of Science by providing instructions and videos for interactive science experiments on his website.Bob has also coauthored a very popular series of science adventure books for kids.
   Oxford Owl for School
   Oxford Owl for School is home to online teaching,learning and assessment resources and expert support for primary schools.Free teaching,learning and assessment resources are provided,including book recommendations,storytelling videos,activity sheets and teaching notes.With a library of free,tablet-friendly e-Books,you'll find the perfect eBook for every pupil.
   The National Geographic Society
   The National Geographic Society is a global nonprofit organization to explore and protect our planet.We fund hundreds of research and conservation projects around the world each year and inspire new generations.Our yellow border serves to explore the farthest reaches of the Earth and beyond.We reach millions of people around the world,with our television networks in 172 countries and our publications available in 41 languages.

(1)Which website is most suitable for science lovers?

C.Oxford Owl for School.
D.The National Geographic Society.
(2)What is special about Oxford Owl for School?

A.It owns a library in America.
B.It offers materials for students only.
C.It provides online books for free.
D.It is suitable for students of all ages.
(3)What do Scratch and the National Geographic Society have in common?

A.They have users worldwide.
B.They choose books for kids to read.
C.They are designed especially for kids.
D.They are both nonprofit organizations.
發(fā)布:2024/5/27 14:0:0組卷:12引用:7難度:0.5
  • 1.    As for long-distance holidays,there are some wonderful destinations that actually offer you great value for your money,especially for those who do not hope to empty their pockets after a holiday.
        Food lovers should go to this busy city which has the lowest cost for eating out—you can even buy two evening meals (three dishes for each),with a bottle of wine,for just under £34.
        Thailand's capital is second to none (首屈一指) as the best value long-distance city.Compared to the other cities,it is accommodation that really makes it stand out.
        If you only do love Chinese culture,make it a trip to the Forbidden City.There are some beautiful buildings from the Ming and Qing dynasties.At the same time they're home to priceless works (作品) from ancient Chinese emperors' families.
        Dubai (迪拜),UAE
        Dubai does have a reputation (名聲) for being quite the splurge (揮霍金錢).But the city also offers some cheaper prices across its museums,galleries and attractions as well as airport transfers.

    (1)When it comes to food,which one tops the first as the most money-saving city?

    (2)What makes Bangkok stand out?

    (3)For visitors coming to the Forbidden City,what are recommended?

    發(fā)布:2024/9/26 17:0:2組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
  • 2.假定英語(yǔ)課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請(qǐng)你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語(yǔ)言錯(cuò)誤,每句中最多有兩處。每處錯(cuò)誤僅涉及一個(gè)單詞的增加、刪除或修改。
    刪除:把多余的詞用斜線(\) 劃掉。
    Dear Peter,
        Thanks for your concern for my hometown and I'm writing to tell you about it new look.Great changes have been taken place here in recent years.Firstly,a wide and straight road replaces the narrow muddy road last year.Besides,the river,you know,used to be polluted heavily,giving off a terrible smell,but now,it is such clear that groups of fish can be seen swim freely in it.What's more,do you still remember the bare hills,on them we flew kites?They are both covered with green trees,which is home to birds.
        Most important,people here are living happy life.Don't you want to visit my hometown again?
        Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    發(fā)布:2024/9/27 4:0:1組卷:0引用:1難度:0.5
  • 3.    There's a lot to see in Badlands National Park (BADL).Castle Trail:A Badlands National Park Favorite We're kicking things off with the longest trail in the park-and it is an excellent one.This 5-mile journey takes you through the backcountry of Badlands,with the main destination being the incredible Castle Rock formation.Along the way,you'll hike through grassland.And as always in the Badlands,watch out for snakes.
       See Bison in Sage Creek Wilderness Area
       Are you as crazy about wildlife?Sage Creek is for you.Located in Wall,SD,this is one of the largest areas of preserved mixed-grass prairie(草原) left in the United States.And it's one of the best places for North American bison.But remember to always stay in your vehicle,and never get out to approach a bison.This is not only illegal,but can cost you your life.
       Ascend the Amazing Saddle Pass Trail
       Saddle Pass is a short trail,but one you won't want to miss.One of the most photographed spots in Badlands National Park is also one of the coolest climbing experiences,hands down.Here,you'll climb up the Badlands Wall itself into a view of the White River Valley.The trail gets its name from the shape of the prairie you'll travel.
       Badlands National Park's Top Hike:Notch Trail
       As the most popular hike in the Badlands,Notch Trail features a fantastic ladder climb and absolutely breath-taking views.This trail is worth the difficulty,but it is not recommended for anyone with a fear of heights,and can be dangerous during or after heavy rains.The most Badlands injuries take place here,so be sure to practice safely.

    (1)What makes Sage Creek special?

    A.Its longest trail.
    B.Its large prairie.
    C.Its unique scenery.
    D.Its dangerous climbing.
    (2)Which place is named after the shape of a prairie?

    A.Castle Trail.
    B.Sage Creek.
    C.Notch Trail.
    D.Saddle Pass Trail.
    (3)What are travelers to Notch Trail warned to do?

    A.Stay in the vehicle.
    B.Take a raincoat.
    C.Avoid getting injured.
    D.Keep away from the ladder.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/27 0:0:1組卷:2引用:3難度:0.5
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