注意:1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;
2. 只允許修改10處,多者(從第11處起)不計分.
Dear Jack,
    I'm sorry to hear that you feel lonely in the new school, because you find hard to make friends. Now, I'd like to offer you any advice.
    Firstly, it's normal for you to feel lonely because you were living in a new environment. Secondly, you should greet your classmates when met them on campus. Thirdly, it will be a good idea if you take an actively part in class activities, what can help them learn more about you. I believe you will be able to make new friends soon unless you're friendly to the others.
    I hope the suggestion above will be helpful to you and everything will be fine with you for the future.
Li Hua
發(fā)布:2024/6/27 10:35:59組卷:9引用:6難度:0.5
  • 1.Microbiologists have designed a sustainable way to remove polluting microplastics from the environment by using bacteria.Initial design as it is,it paves the way for sustainably lowering plastic pollution levels and stop the"plastification".
       Bacteria naturally tend to group together and stick to surfaces,and this creates a sticky material called"biofilm".Researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) want to use this adhesive bacteria character and capture microplastics in polluted water to form an easily disposable and recyclable blob(團(tuán)).
       Sylvia Lang Liu,microbiology researcher at PolyU and lead researcher on this project,together with his team,has engineered a bacterial biofilm,which can fix and absorb microplastics floating around in the water,and make them sink to the bottom of the water.Then the researchers can separate the microplastics from the bacteria traps and get them ready to recycle.
       Microplastics are the plastic fragments,usually smaller than 5mm,which are accidentally released into the environment during production and breakdown of grocery bags or water bottles,or during everyday activities such as washing synthetic (合成的) clothes or using personal care products with scrubbing microbeads in them.Microplastics are visually tiny,making it challenging to develop effective solutions to trap,collect,and recycle them.
       Microplastics are not easily biodegradable (生物降解的) ,so they stick around for long and absorb and accumulate poisonous chemicals.They spread into wastewater and into the oceans,endangering marine animals and even usually threatening human health,.Microplastics had be on found in more than 114 species living in the water and also salt,lettuce,apples,and more in 2018 according to the International Maritime Organization.
       "This is an innovative application of biofilm engineering to address the plastic pollution crisis," said Dr Joanna Sadler,researcher at University of Edinburgh,who was not involved in this study."One of the biggest challenges in dealing will microplastics is capturing such small particles Liu and co-workers have demonstrated an elegant solution to this problem,which holds great potential to be further developed into a real-world wastewater treatment technology,"

    (1)Which of the following best explains the underlined word"adhesive" in Paragraph 2?

    (2)Why are microplastics hard to capture?

    A.They are visually too small.
    B.They are hard to biodegrade.
    C.They continue to exist for long.
    D.They are poisonous chemicals.
    (3)What can be learned from the last paragraph?

    A.Small particles are essential to address water pollution .
    B.Biofilm has been widely used to settle plastic pollution.
    C.Sadler thinks little of the biofilm engineering application .
    D.Biofilm application is promising for wastewater treatment.
    (4)What is the text mainly about?

    A.Microplastic removal.
    B.Uses of bacteria.
    C.Wastewater treatment.
    D.Plastic pollution.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/13 2:0:8組卷:5引用:6難度:0.6
  • 2.英語課上,老師要求同桌同學(xué)相互修改作文,假設(shè)以下小作文為你同桌所寫,請你對其進(jìn)行修改.文中共有10處錯誤,每句中最多有兩處.錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改.
    Dear Chris,
        I'm Li Ming,monitor of Class One,Senior One.I'm glad to hear that you will come to our school as exchange student next term.I feel it an honor of us to study with you.Now I have something to tell you about.Firstly,with the climate changing,you should prepared enough clothes.Then there are different kind of foods and snacks which will give you a chance to experiencing rich Chinese food culture.In addition,every student is friendly to foreign friends,that will make it easy for you to get along good with them.
        Last but not least,we can do what we can to help you,and you must get prepared to meet trouble.During your stay here,I hope you can tell us more about American culture.Only by understanding and learn from each other can we spend these days together happily.
    Li Ming.
    發(fā)布:2024/8/17 2:0:1組卷:7引用:3難度:0.5
  • 3.The impact of the man-made climate crisis on Antaretica is scientifically undeniable:stable ice shelves are retreating,air temperature increased by 3 degrees Celsius,krill(磷蝦)numbers are declining,melting ice is contributing to sea level rise,and polar bears and seals are getting displaced."Antaretic biodiversity could decline substantially by the end of the century if we continue with business as usual."Jasmine Rachael Lee,lead author of the University of Queensland study says.
       Published in the journal PLOS Biology,the study finds population declines are likely for 65%of the continent's plants and wildlife by the year 2100.The most vulnerable(脆弱的)species is the Emperor penguins.In October 2022,the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service listed Emperor penguins as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act(ESA),as experts predict the flightless seabird will see a 26%to 47%dip in its population by 2050."This listing reflects the growing extinction crisis and highlights the importance of the ESA and efforts to conserve species before population declines become irreversible(不可逆轉(zhuǎn))."said Service Director Martha Williams at the time.
        Aside from Emperor penguins,other Antarctic specialists,like the Adélic penguin and dry soil nematodes,were also highly vulnerable.We urgently need a combination of global and local conservation action to best conserve Antarctic species.Global action and global voices to help relieve climate change—because the biggest threat to Antaretica is coming from outside of it.And then we need local actions to help protect biodiversity against local threats and give them the best chance of adapting to climate changes.This will help to save our iconic (代表性的) species like the Emperor penguins and all of Antaretical's unique and highly adapted inhabitants.It will also help humankind,as we rely heavily on the priceless services the Antarctic provides in regulating our climate and capturing sea level in its ice sheets.

    (1)What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

    A.The impact of climate crisis is usually denied.
    B.Conservation efforts are badly needed.
    C.Air temperature on Antarctic increases 3℃annually.
    D.Sea level rise results in scabirds losing their habitats.
    (2)Why is the Emperor penguin mentioned in Paragraph 2?

    A.To serve as a call to protect wildlife on Antaretic.
    B.To reflect the growing population of wild species.
    C.To prove the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act.
    D.To highlight the severe impact of rising temperature.
    (3)What is probably the best conservation policy?

    A.Reducing the chances of making a trip to Antaretic.
    B.Making joint efforts to relieve climate change.
    C.Attempting to provide essential nutrients to the ecosystem.
    D.Continuing to carry forward the Endangered Species Act.
    (4)What is the best title for the text?

    A.Plants and Wildlife on Antarctica Will Deeline Quickly
    B.Antaretic Species Are Vulnerable to Human Threats
    C.More Action Should Be Taken to Protect Wildlife on Antaretica
    D.The Best Conservation Strategy Will Be Carried Out Soon
    發(fā)布:2024/9/4 7:0:9組卷:17引用:8難度:0.5
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