    My cousin Allen was the coolest person in all of Minneapolis.By the age of 19,he was a star football player at the University of Minnesota.I wanted to be just like him.So when Allen asked me to join him on a spring fishing trip in northern Minnesota,I said yes!
    After planning the trip,we gathered clothes and supplies and then set off on our adventure.We reached the Superior National Forest by early evening.On the way to our campsite,Allen pointed to a small house faraway in one of the mountains,saying that it was the ranger station (護(hù)林站) where the foresters worked.
    Allen knew all the tricks of an experienced camper.After we gathered enough wood from the forest floor,he started the campfire using only stone and steel,no matches.After a day of travelling,we were very hungry.We ate beef and rice and some soup as well.
    Exhausted,we crawled into our sleeping bags early.Allen was still talking about his past camping adventures when a sudden wind picked up from the north.The temperature dropped and it began to snow.Allen knew of a way to increase the temperature inside the tent.He dragged a log from the woods,wrapped aluminum foil (鋁箔) around the log and then placed it near the campfire.The heat from the fire reflected into the tent.Soon the tent was warm again and thoughts of lake fish filled my dreams.
    I was still dreaming when Allen woke me up in a panic.Our tent was on fire!The snow had stopped during the night,but the wind had fanned the flames of the fire towards our tent.Frightened by the flames,I ran out of the tent immediately.The tent collapsed with Allen inside.Without any hesitation,I reached into the burning tent,grabbed him,and dragged him to the icy lake.We checked each other to make sure neither of us was hurt.

    Later,as we stood by the burning tent to keep warm,we considered our situation.
    Suddenly,we heard a noise in the forest.
發(fā)布:2024/4/20 14:35:0組卷:3引用:5難度:0.5
  • 1.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
       The rain was coming down so hard that each drop seemed to explode as it hit the roof of the car.Tom strained his eyes and looked out into the coal-black night,struggling hard to keep his car on the road.The windscreen wipers worked roughly to clear the glass,but they were not doing much good.The rain beat down continuously,it was completely dark outside,and the road was deserted except for him and his car.
       Tom glanced in his rear-view mirror.He could see his wheelchair in the back seat an quickly looked down at his thin,broken legs.He could feel a familiar wave of despair (絕望) start to wash over him.The rain was still hitting on the roof of the car and he felt as if he had been trapped inside a drum.As the world outside began to close in on him,Tom held his breath.Suddenly,a loud noise shook Tom out of his moment of hopelessness as the car began to bump down the road. "Great," he thought. "a flat tyre."
       With a heavy sigh,Tom brought the car to a stop,resting his head on the steering wheel defeated!After a few seconds,he looked carefully out of the window.The rain seemed to have eased a little,and in the distance,he could see a light twinkling in the blackness.With a sense of hopeful anticipation,Tom gently eased the car towards the light.As he got closer,he could see a long driveway leading to a solitary house.
       When Tom approached the house,a young girl around ten years old was standing in the doorway.He pulled up as close as he could and rolled down the window. "Are your parents at home" he shouted over the wind and rain. "I have a flat tyre and I need help," Tom added. "Wait a minute," the girl replied.She turned and went into the house.
       A few minutes later,she returned with an old man.________
       Soon the old man stepped to the window and said, "It's OK."________
    發(fā)布:2024/9/27 16:0:2組卷:1引用:2難度:0.5
  • 2.閱讀下面材料,根據(jù)其內(nèi)容和所給段落開頭語續(xù)寫兩段,使之構(gòu)成一篇完整的短文。
    Oh,Brother! A few months ago,my mom got remarried,making Drew my stepbrother.She hoped we'd get along.But he was like a headache I couldn't get rid of.Mom thought inviting Kendall,my best friend,for a sleepover would take my mind off Drew.So far,that wasn't working.
        Later in my room,Kendall and I were doing our nails when Drew came in,with a bowl of popcorn in his hands."Does anyone want popcorn?"asked Drew.
        "Mom doesn't like food in here,and you got into my room without asking!"I said angrily."Time to leave,Drew."I pointed to the door.
        I decided an ice cream would cool me down.In the kitchen,Kendall and I had hardly started eating when I heard Drew hurrying down the stairs. "Hey,who wants to have a pillow fight?"he asked.
        "I do!" cried Kendall,sticking her ice cream in the freezer.She and Drew ran upstairs,leaving me alone with my bad attitude.
        I wasn't about to follow them like a puppy.There was something I had to do.I took the cream and slipped into Drew's room.I found his slippers,and stuck the cream inside them.Satisfied,I grabbed a pillow,ready to fight him.
        I ran into my room and hit Drew with the pillow.He countered with a blow to my legs.Kendall threw her pillow into his side.Before long,we were all laughing.I lifted my pillow over my head to give Drew a final blow.But I missed.It crashed into the popcorn bowl left on the dresser.The corn s rained everywhere just as mom walked into the room."Stop!You kids are being too wild."she cried."And,Sarah,you know I don't like food in here."
    (1)所續(xù)寫短文的詞數(shù)應(yīng)為 120左右;
    Paragraph 1
        I froze,not knowing what to say.
    Paragraph 2
        I cornered Drew to tell me why he took the fall (承擔(dān)責(zé)任).
    發(fā)布:2024/9/27 12:0:2組卷:4引用:3難度:0.2
  • 3.   As Alina sat quietly in the patient room,her five-year-old son,Tony,was lying on her chest.He was suffering from a serious disease and they were staying in the hospital for several days.
       Alina's mind was working overtime.She was worrying about money.She worked as a manager for a retail chain,and it was the busiest time of the year.Alina had already taken almost all her vacation time and knew she would not be paid for the days she was now taking off.Worse still,she had only a couple of hundred dollars in the bank.
       But Alina's main concern was her son.She didn't know how she would be able to manage,working full-time and looking after him.She was depressed and felt the tears well up and spill over.
       And that's when Lorna arrived.She had been Alina's assistant.Quickly blinking back the tears,Alina welcomed her in.Lorna came to offer some support and brought a card signed by the office staff.Alina was touched,for she didn't expect they were thinking of her during a completely crazy work week.Full of gratefullness,she took the card and discovered there was more.Inside the card was a note,which said,"Dear Alina,we want to help.Each person who has signed this card has donated one vacation day into your account.We know you need to spend some time with your son and we don't want you to worry about having to take time off without pay."
       So moved by their kindness,Alina was speechless and got quite choked up,tears held back earlier now rolling down her cheeks.
       After Lorna left,Alina calmed down.She looked at her son,lost in thought. "Tomorrow is Christmas Day.What shall I do?"Because of several days of bad sleep,drowsily Alina fell asleep.
    The next day morning,when Alina woke up,she was amazed at what she saw.________
    A week later,Tony left hospital and Alina went back to work.________
    發(fā)布:2024/9/29 4:0:1組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
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