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—I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska.
—Many people think there is nothing  ice and snow.(  )
發(fā)布:2024/8/9 8:0:9組卷:5引用:2難度:0.5
  • 1.In order to help defend his nation,Jack left his motherland______advanced tank technology.( ?。?/div>
    發(fā)布:2024/9/13 4:0:9組卷:9引用:2難度:0.5
  • 2.根據(jù)上下文選擇選用合適的短語,在空格處填入短語的正確形式,使文章信息完整,意思準(zhǔn)確。每個短語僅能使用一次。有兩個詞組是多余選項。
    keep sb.company fall in love with set off belong to go through to be frank the moment take part in a variety of fade away in spite of in addition to
    Carnival:One Day in RioLast year I went to the Rio de Janeiro Carnival,and I was excited.However, (1)
    I arrived,I was quite anxious because the streets were overcrowded.Six million people (2)
    this incredible carnival.Luckily,I had a local guide,Ronnie.He said he would (3)
    and show me all the highlights.Then,we (4)
    to the samba parade.
       Well,the carnival is most definitely all about the samba which is featured by exciting rhythms and harmonic vocals.It's the kind of music that you can't help dancing to. (5)
    ,I was learning that as I followed Ronnie through the crowd,my hips and shoulders were swinging almost involuntarily.
       Thanks to this lively atmosphere,my anxiety completely (6)
    .Ronnie had got us tickets for the samba parade inside the Sambadrome (森巴大道) where twelve main teams competed for the championship.But we still had a long way to (7)
    the street. (8)
    the main samba parade,many small parties were held in the street to celebrate the festival.You must be wondering how the main parade was.Well,I'm afraid I can't tell you.Ronnie and I never made into the Sambadrome.Fascinated by (9)
    snacks and drinks,we spent the day moving from one street party to another.Do I regret missing the main parade?Not at all.I experienced the carnival like the locals,and I did (10)
    發(fā)布:2024/9/12 10:0:8組卷:7引用:2難度:0.5
  • 3.I know she has brown hair,but
    that I don't remember much.
    發(fā)布:2024/9/20 1:0:9組卷:0引用:2難度:0.5
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